Coconut Tree Drip Irrigation

Drip Irrigation: In the traditional system of irrigation followed in coconut gardens such as flood irrigation, basin irrigation etc. irrigation efficiency is only 30 to 50 per cent due to considerable wastage of water. In addition, cost on inputs like labour and energy in adopting these systems are high. Scarcity of water and increasing cost of labour and energy are deterrents in adopting these traditional irrigation systems. Under these circumstances, drip irrigation is the most suitable system of irrigation to coconut. Some of the major advantages of drip irrigation are: It saves water Enhances plant growth and yield Saves energy and labour, most suited for soils having low water holding capacity and undulating terrain Reduces weed growth and improves efficiency of fertilizers. For coconut, generally, three to four drippers are given per palm. For drip irrigation, open four pits of size of 30 x 30 x 30 cm opposite to each other at one meter...